maybe you have heard that I'm a dooodolls lover. I knew these dolls from Renek and it's been almost a half year I adore to these plushes, and always gaze at it when I was in his car. he owns the Ninja one.

a Mentholatum Lip Ice Gift Pack that available in Guardian stores, gives us a set of:
The lip balms are varied in types of fruity flavors; tangy Lemon, sweet Strawberry, and juicy Apple.- A free limited edition wristwatch brought to you exclusively by Dooodolls Design
- A flavored lip balm
- A Lip Ice Sheer Color - color changeable lip conditioner
and If I were in Singapore or KL right now, I certainly will buy one of it. I'll pick the lemon one. but the admin told us that it has sold out everywhere. I dont really like Lip Ice lipbalm instead since my lips didnt suit with that kind of brand. I just bought it once when I join a modelling competition that required me to include its pack on the application form.
i think a limited edition always cool
ReplyDeletememank lucu banget y? gw blg sih ga gt lucu malah
iya sih wong lu bilang aja lucuan ugly dolls. pdhl menurut gw ugly dolls ga gitu lucu.. hahahaha..
ReplyDeletewell, buat ugly doll gw lbh suka, mukanya kayak goblok2 gt sih. haha
ReplyDeletehow bout ur doubt?
doubt bout? iya sih tp bahan ugly dolls sama dooodolls bagusan dooodolls gitu.
ReplyDeletewah, krg tepat ni pake doubt,
ReplyDeletepembelaan lo buat doodolls lah. haha
iy sihh,
OHHH! ya itu pembelaannya. bahannya bagus dan warnanya ga cuma 1 atau 2 hahaha!
ReplyDeleteyey, haha. ga imbank gt. gapapa da. sesuai selera saja. hahaha
ReplyDeletemirip ugly doll ya cel, lucuan mana menurut lo? ohmg mandarin gmna!
ReplyDeletedooodolls win. terlihat colorful dan ceria ahahaha.. gw juga belom belajae put. catetan aja kaga ada...
ReplyDeleteahh beli dimana itu bendaaa? di indo adanya dimana syeel? langsung jatoh cintrong guee. hauahuahauha...
ReplyDeletegak tau deh di sini ada apa enggak. ga pernah liat sih. dari websitenya juga ga ada di Indo...
ReplyDeletegoin to find this..
ReplyDeletei love dooodolls :)