I Took Them from Somewhere Else
Sunday, April 19, 2009
When there's a start, there's an end.
Truth hurts but lies are worse.
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dapet darimana aj si quote2?
ReplyDeleteactually, i kinda confuse to compare worse and worst. do u know?
quote ini? gw ntn dari film Korea. yg satu lagi dari lirik lagu James Morrison.
ReplyDeleteworse tuh kayak getting worseee. worse itu kan bentuk abis dari bad. worst yah terburuk. abis dari worse.
the worst contohnya..
ah itu namanya apa ya, superlative gitu joooo..
ouuuu, ngerti ngerti
ReplyDeletegw banyak blaajar ya dari lo. hahah
thanks! :D
lo selalu merhatiin omongan2 y sel?