Finally Posted

Saturday, April 11, 2009
I just got back from Lellidewi, for having a treatment. we usually called it totok wajah in Bahasa. and this is the second time I'm having that treatment. I dont really understand what's the effect of this treatment but I love it! just visit the website if you want to know more and if you want to try it, you can visit the beauty salon at Jalan Limau I no. 38, Kebayoran Baru. me and my mother just got back from there. I was handled by the owner, Mam Lelli. yeah, maybe I should call her like that. we had a short conversation while I was handled by her. such as, she asked me where's my school and home, how many sibling do I have, where's my sister's university, and so on. but I really have no topic to chat, so and I just answered, giggled, and smiled to her. then after that I got masked and massage on feet.

well, before I went to Lellidewi, I went to Senayan City justtttt for buying oneandahalf's collection. buttttttttt, there's something stupid happened. I'm sure that I went to Fashion First. I entered the shop (or boutique?) well, I called it shop. then, I've been searching to the entire shop for finding them. and I didnt find anything looks alike Nikicio's. then, I asked the shop attendance about Nikicio and oneandahalf. do you want to know something? she doesnt even know what's Nikicio!! -.- so I went out from the shop and I emailed to oneandahalf. well, there's no reply but I'm sure they will reply it. I'll tell you later the response.

and yesterdayyyyyy, I went to the church for sure. since it was a Good Friday. tonight, I'll surely go to the church again. yes, since Thursday, I've gone to the church regularly.
I went to ex too with some of my friends to play bowling at Spincity. then, we ate at the tollroad's rest area. (we went to Karang Tengah tollroad just for eat! but it was fun. well.. for awhile it's fun) we ate A&W, I ordered the choco-waffel. I also learned how to drive a car that day.

ok, that's it. I'm not really in a good mood to post many thing and the photos.
:) thanks for reading and commenting on my posts. I appreciate it so much dear. thanks for leaving message on my cbox too.

love youuuuuuu all!!


this picture was taken yesterday at A&W, Karang Tengah
left to the right: Rene, Liana, Me, Adi, Eva

and today we took a lot of picture at the same place too around 11.30 PM till 12.00 PM. we just went to the rest area for taking pictures, after ran off from the church. I know it's so awfully wrong, however now I'm relieved.

From: Michelle
Sent: Sat 4/11/09 10:44 AM
To: nikicio oneandahalf (
I'm just wondering. I went to fashion first bout 4 hours ago. it's not far from Topshop rite?
well, I want to buy some of your collection but I just cant find the collection in fashion first. I asked the shop attendance where's the collection. but she doesn't even know what is nikicio.
anyways, would you mind to explain me whats wrong with this..?
their response;
From: oneandahalf (
Sent: Sat 4/11/09 12:53 PM
To: Michelle
Hello there,
If we may we know, which collection do you interested to buy? nikicio or oneandahalf?
Because we only sell oneandahalf collection in fashion first, which is the second line of nikicio collection.
Hope the information helps & please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further inquiries.
what do you think? and what should I do? aaaaaaaaa... I think I dont have much time to go to the mall again. due to the national exam and final exam is coming up.

it's 1:17 AM now. and it also means, HAPPY EASTER!!!

here I have two great quotations to be shared,
"Though our feelings come and go. God's love for us does not."
"I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish He didn't trust me so much."

once again, Happy Easter all. God Bless!

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9 comments on "Finally Posted"
  1. ga sakit ya d totok2 gt sel? haha
    maen bowling sna bknnya mahal bener ya sel?
    better luck next time

  2. awalnya.. lama- lama biasa aja ahahahah... 1 orang 40ribu kalo ga salah...

  3. emm kl ga sala pas itu gw liat d ex seorank sampe ratusan ribu gt?
    brapa lama 40k maennya?

    happy easter too!
    God's love for us does not.
    ga ngerti gw, knapa ad doesnt nya blakangnya?

  4. masa sih.. apa dia pake bola yg beda kali jadinya mahallll.. gatau juga deh gw ahhaha...

    Though our feelings come and go. God's love for us does not.

    gw nangkepnya sih ya.. jadi kayak kita tuh kan orangnya suka mood2an. sedangkan cinta Tuhan ke kita tuh ga kayak gitu...

  5. brapa lama 40k maennya?

    hoo, dah ngerti gw. hahaha
    does not nya itu kagak come and go

  6. dua kali puteran. jadi kalo udah skali. ada sekali lagi ahahaha... iya sih.. pake feeling aja..

  7. hooo set ya namanyaaa.. iya....

  8. ga twa jg si namanya. hahaha. mahal maen bowling
