Books: Fiction

Monday, April 13, 2009

Jojo Moyes - Silver Bay

Jill Mansell - An Offer You Can't Refuse

Mariam Keyes - Anybody Out There

Alexander McCall Smith - Love Over Scotland

my sister just bought those books since she's had a project to review 10 English fictional novels. so she bought them at Times Bookstore. and indeed she should buy another 6 books. so I consider to buy the recent books I was craving for. I told her bout another 3 great novels that I knew from Pheby. lately, I figure that vampire is absolutely like a new hype in novels.

I'm off to eat. my sister just made a dinner for me. I'll post the review later..

au revoir!

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5 comments on "Books: Fiction"
  1. anjrit. 10 buku.
    maw i suggest a book? its animal farm
    i love that book, i dont if u n ur sister like it

  2. *i dont know if u n ur sister like it

  3. nama pengarangnya siapa jo? ttg apa? siapa tau gt dia suka.. kl covernya lucu pst suka hahahaha...

  4. namanya george orwell
    tentank binatank2 yang maw idup bebas, jd diusir yg punya, tuh binatank yg jalanin. interesting sih. gw suka.

  5. oke2.. tar gw liat covernya lucu apa enggak ahahaha.. thankssss for the info..
