Tribute to Nina Garcia

Thursday, April 09, 2009

this picture was published about 2 years ago.

Ninotchka Garcia as known as Nina Garcia, a fashion director of Marie Claire. actually, this picture is her project during her work at ELLE. she had spent her 13 years at there and had been a fashion director for the past 8 years. a job that I would love to take it, ofcourse.

her first book, The Little Black Book of Style that was released on 5 September 2007

and this is her second book, The One Hundred: A Guide to the Pieces Every Stylish Woman Must Own. actually, I am still waiting for her third book that many people told it will be come out soon in this September.

wanna look inside of the book?

I love the illustration!

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6 comments on "Tribute to Nina Garcia"
  1. gambarnya unik dan lucu. hahaha
    ap buku ini sangat berguna?

  2. gak juga. cuma lucu ya disainnya. gw demen covernya yg buku pertama haahhahaa

  3. namanya jg gw suka sel. keren ajah. haha. gambarnya jg :D

  4. huaa..dri dlu gw mo bkunya..tpi blum smpet cari..hehe

  5. iya di aksara atau ga di times ada ga ya.. pengen beliiiii deh. gambarnya sm covernya bikin gemes. ahahahah..
