
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
from all of my polyvore's sets. I'd be glad to choose my top 5 sets. the mostly liked sets. gimme some comment :)
thanks before..
I LOVE TOPSHOP and SHOES by felicemichelle featuring Christian Louboutin heels
anyways, will you kindly check my tumblr? although it's only 1 photo inside but I finally determined to create a tumblr account to post some pictures inside about everything, could be mine or another. to be exact, I grabbed that 1st photo when I was browsing on Collage (it's an iPhone application) where you can get tons of pictures from around the world. I rarely post my photos into it but I enjoy to see another people's pictures. so I think I'm going to post another pictures.

P.S: if you checked my twitter's status-updates. there's an update sounds like this: "broke her promise". pssttt.. it captures my current condition. guess whats the promise by this post!

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7 comments on "Favorite"
  1. meeee toooooooo.... thankyouuu!

  2. dari kaskus ya tumblrnya?
    cek www.failblog.org deh
    banyak yang kayak gt. hahaha

    whose promies that u broke?

  3. lah sumpah lu?? gw kaga tau asalnya darimana. dapet pas lg bk collage. omg. hahahaha... my own promise. tadinya kan gw ga mau ol lg. eh ga tahan jg ternyata hahaha

  4. gw kira dari kaskus, haha
    banyak sih yg kayak bgitu.

    hoo. hahaha. gw jg ga tahan d kalo ga ol. manusiawi kok :)

  5. hahhaha.. ol juga manusiawi kok, betuuul :p
    sebel deh di kota gw top shop nya ga bagus2 bgt :( cuma sendal nya lucu sih, tapi ga bisa di pake juga, hahha

  6. uda ga ada chatbox ya? btw apa momen SMA favorit lo?
