Currently in Love with Shorts and White T-Shirt

Sunday, April 26, 2009

I would like to prepare and buy some clothes for my university year. I cant wait so long for wearing my gray jacket. I'll show it to you next month.
actually, the colleges didnt allowed us to wear shorts like this, but leggings, pants, and skirt. they're officially allowed. I will also buy some shoes, whether it's sneakers or flats, I'd love to wear them to my campus. for the tops, I'll choose a long sleeve one instead of T-shirt. but T-shirt ain't really bad too dear. ooooooh geez, times passed too fast.

I'm going to off to my friend's house. we need some practice for tomorrows practical examination. it's a drama about The Lost Son, you can read it from the bible; Luke 15:11-32 RSV. I'm going to act as an angel. sounds good, huh?

catch ya later, ♥!

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11 comments on "Currently in Love with Shorts and White T-Shirt"
  1. drama gw uda, haha
    why we have to bring uglydolls too to campus? hahaha

  2. ugly dol di indo ada tokonya ga chel?
    btw, banyak blog walking yang ajak tukeran link, maksdunya apaan sih? gw masukin link nya di page gw?
    yang ketempat gw anak smp semua, bedehh, hahaaha

  3. Jojo: I have no reason to be exact but sometimes my sist brings the cute chinese teddy bear off to campus fyi.
    Gilda: ga ada sepertinya. gatau sih tp ga pernah liat jadi gw simpulkan ga ada aja hahahahah..

  4. walah, ga ngerti gw. kok dya bawa2 itu?

  5. iya namanya juga demen jooooo...

  6. chelle, grey jacket?? masuk uph juga sel?? hahaha..

  7. hahahaha.. iyah gw uph, management. lu apa? =)

  8. yahh ga ketemu deh kalo mene. rame bener kan tuh mene? gw komunikasi :) anak smuki banyak yg masuk UPH?

  9. hahaha.iyah rame benerr deh tuh mene.soalnya g jg bingung mau masuk apa, gak suka akun jg gw. =)
    anak smukie, hmm.. ada berapa belas orang gituh deh.huekeke..

  10. iya ya. tp bagi gw mene sama akun sama2 susah hahaha.. gw malah cuma sendirian masuk UPH. bener2 gada temen seperjuangan entar.
    smoga enak ya di PH. ;p
