Barron William Trump

Monday, April 13, 2009

born in a wealthy family

with his SUPERDAD, Donald Trump and MOM, Melania Trump (well, she's a supermodel)

another pictures, grabbed from JustJared, which is my favorite gossips' website;

such a cute kid who turns 3 on March 20.

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14 comments on "Barron William Trump"
  1. apaan tuh emas smua?
    moga2 aj kl gede muka anaknya ga kyak trump

  2. secara istrinya cakep banget. pst gede nya ganteng HAHAHA! tp gila tuh boobs istrinya gede buangettttttt.

  3. itu kayaknya implant d. banyak tau yg implant. ga taw jg si implant ato kaga. haha
    gw pgn da menghambur2kan uang sesuka hati, bli apa aja hahaaha

  4. iya deh sepertinya emang implant kl ga... gila aje kaliiiiii woooooh hahahaha... sama! impian kebanyakan orang..

  5. emank lo maw punya yang sebesar itu jg sel? hahahaha

  6. spoiled. i won't be shocked if he grew up to be a heartbreaker. i hope not, though. he's cute.

  7. syel, lo jadi maw gt implant?
    you said you agree!

  8. eh monyong!! gw bilang agree bukan buat yg itu ya jo! please deh hahahahahaha! serem banget kl punya gede gitu!

  9. oh ya, kan si trump punya anak kan? ivanka trump. itu jg sama aj tu.
    trus bayi yg d kereta itu siapa?
    huauhauha, jk. :P

  10. sama aja gimana? bayi yg di kereta si barron...

  11. s kali chel toge, hehe
    tapi tar smua cowo oriented ke lu nya beda, mau raba2, haha
