WHEN: 04 June ’08
EVENT: Melisa’s 17th Birthday Surprise
WHERE: Aula Absis
WHO: (upper left - lower right) Michelle, Angel, Jason, Bas, Devi, Richard, Melisa, Kuskus, Benjol, Winda, Tektek, Adi, Eva, Brigita, Liana, Melisa, Rene, Michael, Thomas, Anin, Vanny, Bima
i wish i could turn back the time, back into those memories, catching the dream outside with a heart that full of hope.
WHEN: 06 June ’08
WHERE: Wonogiri, On The Way Back to My House
WHO: Brigita, Eva, Anin, Michelle

this is our very first performance when we lived in Wonogiri. for me, every first thing in your life could not be replaced and would not be replaced. that’s why, it's hard and you still cant forget your first love. ;)
WHEN: 08 June ’08
EVENT: Bazaar Day
WHERE: Wonogiri
WHO: Prisca, Michelle, Devi, Melisa, Eva, Vanny, Putu, Tasya, Linda, Anin, Winda

from those pictures you’ve seen when we lived in Wonogiri, there’s should be a start.
the journey of our friendship.
WHEN: 04 June ’08
WHERE: Tollroad to Wonogiri
WHO: Angel, Michelle, Eva, Linda, Liana, Brigita, Devi, Prisca, Putu, Winda, Vanny, Melisa, Anin
when you’ve got a new friend, it doesnt mean you have to forget the old one. they are all still in my mind.
WHEN: 17 June ’08
WHERE: Sushi Tei, Senayan City
WHO: Michelle, Grace, Vinna, Lidia, Tere

the silliest friend i’ve ever had.
WHEN: 26 June ’08
EVENT: After her 17th Birthday Celebration, Midnight Show ‘The X- Files’
WHERE: XXI, Senayan City
WHO: Liana, Her Mom, and Michelle. captured by Iwan (Liana’s bf)

WHEN: 22 April ’08
WHERE: Kidzania, Pasific Place
WHO: Angel, Michelle, Liana, Winda, Eva

If I have to pick one of my veryveryvery best friend, it could probably be her. she has known me so well.
WHEN: 06 June ’08
WHERE: Wonogiri, Eva’s and Prisca’s Adoptive Mother’s Home
WHO: Brigita and Michelle

forgiveness in a relationship will make it better. but sometimes we must forget the old one.
why do I put this sentence instead of this picture? maybe only Liana and Grace know the answer. this day, is one of my foolish day ever.
WHEN: April ’08
EVENT: Vanny’s Birthday Party
WHERE: Mulia Hotel, Senayan
WHO: Michelle, Liana, Winda, Linda, Vanny, Eva, Angel

nightlife is one of the best part in this life, isn't it?
WHEN: err, actually, I forgot it :D
WHERE: Menara BULOG, Jl. Gatot Subroto
EVENT: Eva's elder sister's Tie The Knot '08
WHO: Michelle, Winda, Anin, Eva, Brigita, Angel

schooling is not that bad if you have a lot of friends.
EVENT: Bulan Bahasa ’08
WHERE: my lovely class, XII S 2
WHO: (left - right) Putu, Melisa, Anin, Brigita, Winda, Michelle, Prisca, Jojo, Thomas
i’ve grown up to be a real teenager. next year, i’ll grow up to be a real woman.
WHEN: 25 October ’08
WHERE: Jl. Hang Lekir, South Jakarta
EVENT: Michelle’s 17th Birthday
WHO: the birthday girl ♥

we help one another. and i always remember this quote; Blood is thicker than water. it mostly describes me and her.
WHEN: 19 July ’08
EVENT: Her Birthday’s Surprise
WHERE: Sushi Tei, Plaza Indonesia
WHO: Michelle and Stephanie
well then, i've posted all of the post that i promised 2 days ago.
so, do you love my pictures and the details after each photo?
YES, i hope sooooooo...
yihhaa, seru ya liat2 poto jadul. hahaha
ReplyDeleteenak ya poto2 d wonogiri!
kl bs pas itu gw bawa kamera tu, bagus2 pemandangannya
iya sayangnya gada yg bawa dslr atau digicam gitu.. cuma pas udah hari trakhir disana gw udah ga betah hahaha
ReplyDeletetakut ilank jg si disitu, kan tempatnya jauh, haha
ReplyDeleteknapa ga btah sel?
lama2 jg bosen si disana. haha
asik chel, gw juga pengen taro2 poto h=gini ah, tar kalo gw ubek fs gw duluu, hihi.. di laptop gw gag ada isi nya :(
ReplyDeleteyang wonogiri itu live in bukan?
cc lu mirip abis sama lu, hihi
iya betul karena bosen sama takut gw pas lg malem.. mana gw dicritain crita serem lg pas pulangnya. parno gw hahah tp skarang sih udah biasa aja. dah lama sih ya..
ReplyDeleteiya gil.. gw juga ada beberapa foto dapet dari fs bareng2 temen gitu.. ini ada di hp gw yg lama foto2nya. kemaren2 ini kepikiran bikin ginian :P iya, lu live in waktu itu kemana?
justru itu serunya sel. hahaha
ReplyDeletemalem2 crita setan rame2.
desa gw si ga gt serem. hahaha
iya, aduh cerita setan malem2 tuh seru bgt, apalagi sama cewe2 lenje yang menjerit2, haahaha..
ReplyDeletegw dulu di ciranjang- cianjur, hehe
pas tidur ada tikus lewat di kaki tmn gw, huahuaha
lah jadi yg komen diblog lu pake ini juga elu? ahahhaha! di wonogiri juga ada tikus.. untung gw ga phobia tikus. hahaha..
ReplyDeleteiya ini gilda berkedok rainbow backpack, huahauah
ReplyDeleteitu jualan nya adek gw, diliat2 chel, mana tau minat ;p