Selena Gomez and Taylor Lautner on a sunny Sunday in Vancouver out for sushi and all smiles and affectionate and flirty and are these two gorgeous together or what? It’s like a walking advertisement for beautiful skin. His is flawless, hers is equally so. Ridiculous. And it looks like Taylor’s family is embracing Selena wholeheartedly. She went shopping with his younger sister this weekend too – very sweet “big sister” moments, non?
Taylor continues to shoot New Moon this week with Kristen Stewart. It’s a holiday on Monday so everyone has the day off til Tuesday and right now, at press time, it’s 9:30am in Cannes Monday morning, 12:30am Sunday night in Vancouver, the New Moon wrap party is happening. Am told Kristen was just seen smoking a joint on the patio. BC bud is prime.

the stories:
Lainey Gossip has posted some pics confirming her story from earlier that Taylor Lautner and Selena Gomez have been spotted hanging out in Vancouver.

New Moon hottie Taylor Lautner and Disney princess Selena Gomez having another lunch date in Vancouver.

Taylena had a day out and about in sunny Vancouver were the two enjoyed some sushi together!
Alright let’s get down to business I don’t know about you guys but isn’t it obvious the two are together? I mean I’m a guy and I have friends that are girls and I never tickle/hug/hold them like Taylena, and what about Taylor putting his hands around Selena, what about that, big flirt huh?
I think it’s safe to say the two are “together,” unless Taylor turns out gay or bi… Which I still have my thoughts about that. The two just seem so perfect not exactly together (which they do look good together) but how perfect the two look individually both their skins are flawless and they always seem to be wearing an hot attire.
Also, Selena spent some quality time with Taylor’s sister shopping at Urban Outtfitters, etc. It looks like the whole Lautner and Gomez family are really bonding!

Taylor and Selena went out for dinner last night. Two and a half hours. Afterwards they walked back in the rain giggling, awkward but eager, not wanting the night to end.
click to enlarge the photos.
sources: soooo many! got them from Mr. Google.
P.S: but from a gossip website. it tells me that they just ended up their relationship in Vancouver. haha!! that's good too cause Taylor is mine. LMAO!
ckckckc, asiknya jadi artis holiwud, hiks.....
ReplyDeleteThey look soo sweet and perfect together..tapi apa iya bakal langgeng trus? rasanya gak deh..cepat atau lambat pasti putus juga
ReplyDelete@Gilda: ember. pengen juga gw jadi artis hollywood. hahaha...
ReplyDelete@Davina: itu katanya sih udah putus. padahal masih baru2nya jadian. gak tau deh gosipnya bener apa enggak. :D
I LOVE HER BOTH. smoga langgeng, dan gosip putusnya gak bener. hehe
ReplyDeletecant wait for New Moon!Taylor!!!
ReplyDelete@Onic: semoga. tapi ya mereka memang cocok sih.. ganteng dan cantik..
ReplyDelete@Nita: me too cant wait.. Tayyyyyyyyy! :)
@ michelle : kalo beneran jadi artis holiwud jagan lupa gw teman maya mu, bantu2 gw buat nyelip dan ketemu ara artis, meskipun gw ga akan jadi artisnya, hahahhaa
ReplyDeletethey make me so jealous. hehe..
ReplyDeleteand i do like selena gomez :)