like what I told ya, I bought a lot of dvd last Tuesday. and have watched it, almost all. okay, I'm gonna talk bout Coraline.
here, you may watch the trailer first;

this is the door, where she finds the way to the other world.

other mother is welcoming Caroline to the 'new' home.

at first, they're warmer than the real parents but ...

other Wybie and Coraline entered the circus.

the evil other mother.

Dakota Fanning as Coraline.

it's actually based upon Neil Gaiman's book with the same title, Coraline.
then, second movie, Barbie Thumbelina. fyi, I'm a big fan of Barbie movie. I even have watched all of their movie. from the first one, Nutcracker till this, the newest. and at the end of Fall 2009, there'll be a new movie, Barbie and Three Musketeers. oh, I can't wait. click this to see the trailer. let's back to the main topic. here we go!

Thumbelina and her friends.

the rich girl who has a big pent house.

at once she noticed that Thumbelina is a new toy that given by her parents. until finally they became a best friend.

click ✿ to watch the trailer.
last but not least, TinkerBell from Disney.
here, you may watch the trailer first;

this is the door, where she finds the way to the other world.

other mother is welcoming Caroline to the 'new' home.

at first, they're warmer than the real parents but ...

other Wybie and Coraline entered the circus.

the evil other mother.

Dakota Fanning as Coraline.

it's actually based upon Neil Gaiman's book with the same title, Coraline.
then, second movie, Barbie Thumbelina. fyi, I'm a big fan of Barbie movie. I even have watched all of their movie. from the first one, Nutcracker till this, the newest. and at the end of Fall 2009, there'll be a new movie, Barbie and Three Musketeers. oh, I can't wait. click this to see the trailer. let's back to the main topic. here we go!
Barbie teaches the students about planting to keep a good environment. one of the student picks a lil tiny plant, which makes the other students keep teasing her so that Barbie tells the students about a girl, called Thumbelina.

Thumbelina and her friends.

the rich girl who has a big pent house.

at once she noticed that Thumbelina is a new toy that given by her parents. until finally they became a best friend.

click ✿ to watch the trailer.
last but not least, TinkerBell from Disney.
and I just found this cool video clip, song and the singer. Selena sings this song for Tinkerbell movie. GOSHHH.. fyi, you can see my recent post about her (click on another story you might like - June 2009).

they are Clank and Bobble. another Tinker Fairies. they're looking to the lost thing that finally could help them to repair the messiness at Pixie Hallow.

so overall, I'm more into TinkerBell. it mixed up about comedy, fantasy and animation. so, tomorrow, I'm gonna watch Monster vs. Aliens with my sister. I know it such oh-so-last-year, that's why I don't intend to make a review for that. anyways, I still have Leroy and Stich the movie, but it's kinda boring. so, I don't think I'll watch it, after my vacation perhaps.

at the first of the story, TinkerBell has to choose what talent she's gifted. then, she choose a hammer, which means she's gonna be a tinker. cause of something, she doesn't like to be a tinker, she thinks that to be a tinker is not a cool job besides she also wanna go to the mainland to found out whence does the lost thing come. so she tries another job, her friends job. however, without ability, she finally failed. and realized that she's a tinker, and should proud to be herself.

so these are the fairies from the Pixie Hollow. so just let me introduce them to you, from the left to the right. Fawn; she has a talent in animals, Tinkerbell; as you know she's a tinker, Silvermist; she has a talent in water, Rosseta; she's a gardener fairy, and Iridessa; she's a talented light fairy.

they are Clank and Bobble. another Tinker Fairies. they're looking to the lost thing that finally could help them to repair the messiness at Pixie Hallow.

suka ma animasi ya? =D
ReplyDeletehey, good review. :)
new post, btw.
@Velo: sangat suka :) film animasi kebanyakan bagus2. hahaha..
ReplyDelete@Xanabiotcx: thank you, okayokay...
itu coralina dari pixar ato disney ato...?
ReplyDeletecoraline bagus !! hahaha
ReplyDeletecritanya agak2 dark gt. hahaha. nice review but contains spoiler. u should use a spoiler. hahaha :)
@Velo: idk, kayaknya bukan pixar dan disney. hahahaha gw ga pratiin sih gitu2nya ;)
ReplyDelete@Jojo: then can you show me how to use a spoiler? btw yang penting kan dah gw tulis kalo itu spoiler alerts. hahahah
yee dasar hahaha. itu tuh yang kayak item2 gt tulisannya. kalo d blok baru kliatan. gw ga taw jg sih hahaha
ReplyDeleteerrr, gak ngerti...... :D
ReplyDeleteargh. okay... haha. idk how to explain it further. haha. fyi coraline orank yg buat nightmare before christmas yang jadul
ReplyDeletegw ga nonton nightmare before christmas tp katanya bagusan Coraline kokkkkk.. ga sempet2 nonton monster vs aliens nih gw hahaha!
ReplyDeleteaaaaaaaaaaaaaa barbie!! uda lama banged ngak beli barbie.. abis keknya yang belakangan ga gitu bagus. tapi pengen banged beli diamond castle dll.adu gw telad banged d.hahaha..
ReplyDeletehahahahahah... iya waktu itu juga gw sempet mikir gitu. tapi pas liat di tempat jual dvd. pengen juga nonton barbie ;D
ReplyDeletei've seen Coraline to... it's kinda weird, but it's interesting to watch it...great animation:)
ReplyDeleteo iya..bwat bikin spo iler just set the text color the same as the background (e.g white for ur blog) or another spo iler type like here :)
ReplyDeletehoouu. i seeee. thank you bantuannya.. tapi ribet juga ya pake spoiler2an gitu, huahahaha..