teddy bear

Friday, March 20, 2009
i really cant lie myself that im a teddy bear freak. note that i mean a CUTE teddy bear.

my favorite, super mushroom and the innocent one.

same like me, im sick now and im an insomniac...

cute, isnt it?
for more pictures, click here, i love allllll of them but i cant post it all at here. since this is not my own photo too, sooo, click that to find more.

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6 comments on "teddy bear"
  1. teddynya lucu. tp gw blg lbh lucu teddy mr. bean.
    walopun jelek ada aura tersendiri. hahahaha. gw maw boneka teddy mr bean!

  2. mahal noh boneka. gw pernah cr di ebay hahahah! tp mnrt gw boneka mr bean cm lucu kl digerakin sm mr bean. kl lg diem ga ada mimiknya.

  3. lucu nih boneka2 nya, hehe..
    cuma gw ga suka sama boneka, hehehe

  4. masa si?
    kan mukanya :D< kaya gitu. hahaha
    ud ad ciri khasnya tersendiri gara2 mr bean :D

  5. @gilda: gw malah demen sama boneka, tp yg matanya 'berbicara' doang sih hahahaha

    @jojo: yoyoy, mr.beannya yg lucu malah hahahahaha!
