Monday, March 09, 2009
Acid Reign

by Patrick Demarchellier

and here's;

Milan Fashion Week

that's why i've told my friends that i'd rather be in States or Europe. ;)

for the next. Emma Roberts. i've started to adore her very much since i watched her act in Wild Child Movie. i'll probably buy Teen Vogue then.

Emma Roberts, tVOGUE cover shoot

and i cant wait for my HOLIDAY! yeaaaah.. i have to go overseas. maybeeeee..


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7 comments on "VOGUE"
  1. lho. holiday? kmn syel? kapan?

  2. holiday lulus2an. tau deh kemana. mesen tiket aja belom. urusan emak bapak gw deh itu hahahaha..

  3. enak ya yg pergi overseaaasss!

  4. wow mo jalan jalan yaa asik nyaa
    eh itu kok kaya cinta laura yak? hahhaa :p

  5. yg difoto kiri ya? hahahha agak mirip emang. tp kl di kanan beda jauh. cinlau mah lewattttttt.

  6. masi lma lagi libur lulus2an. hahaha

  7. iyaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaa.. chicken shit deh kita kerja keras terus nih.
