Teddy Bear Museum

Sunday, March 22, 2009
tepatnya gw abis makan mi kuah sama nonton setengah episode BBF. ini skarang online di laptop dan kembali ngepost gambar- gambar. ohmyohmy....

hey someone! bring me to Korea please and let me visit the Teddy Bear Museum! PLEASE..............

Jeju Teddy Bear Museum opened on April 24, 2001. It contains two galleries, a museum gift shop, and a museum cafe. Also, on site is a museum bar/restaurant, a wonderful place to meet friends, family, and lovers. From the outside garden, there is a view of Chungmoon Beach.

Jeju Special Self-Governing Province Seogwipo-si Saekdal-dong 2889
Beonji Jungmun Tourist Complex
- Korea Travel Phone +82-64-1330 (Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
- For more info +82-64-738-7600 (Korean, English, Japanese)
Operating Hours
(Tickets are available for sale until 18:00)

oh I should visit this town and I should take a photograph with them!

click here to visit the website.

and I heard that England does have a TEDDY BEAR MUSEUM tooooo!
ohyeaaaaah... it's located in Stratford Upon Avon.


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3 comments on "Teddy Bear Museum"
  1. aww. bagus tempatnya. haha
    cocok buat poto2 jg :D

  2. iya bagus nih, kalo pegi sama teemen gw yang doyan poto bia pusing gw,mau nya moto mulu! haha :p

  3. gw pasti akan banyak foto2 disini HAUHAHAHAH... gemes banget sm beruangnya...
