The RunwayAlexander WangPre Fall 2009basically I love something simple and plain, like this. it only used 1- 2 colors on each dress.VersaceFall 2009a bit millenium cause of its electric colo…Read More
Extra Wide Crop Topcraving for cute puppies, dress, shorts, tops, necklaces, bangles, skirts and everything but at the same time, I have to save my money for something.I want a complexgeometries extr…Read More
Simple Way in Fashionactually this is just an ad against excessive drinking, NOT a real fashion show.whereas on the runway, Miu Miu Fall 2009;I don't know why I always like simpleness like these outfit…Read More
ke 2 am ke 3 keren. haha
ReplyDeletesbenernya lo buat ap syel kumpul2in ginian?
iseng aja. gw demen liatin foto kayak gini huahhahahha... and i hope, one day. gw bisa dipoto kayak gini! HAAHA
ReplyDeleteeh, kalo jadi model tuh tiba2 d tawarin ato harus kita si yang ke tempat buat jadi modelnya?
lo ngelamar aj syel. hahaha
tergantung.. ada yg ngelamar ada yg dilamar. hahaha ga skarang jo. moto aja gw males. taun depan aja deh. beban gw skarang lg bnyk, kikikik.
ReplyDeletemasa beban banyak ? hahaha
ReplyDeletemank lo maw beneran ngelamar2 gt syel? wow
suwer hahahaha. tp ga sampe ngelamar jd model catwalk jo. cm misalnya gw ikut gogirl looks. soalnya taun ini gw sibuk sih (najong tralalatrilili)
ReplyDeletekalo ampe beneran masuk jadi model sih. gokil sel. pasti pada histeris. akwakwakw
ReplyDeleteaminaminamin ;P