Kings of Convenience

Thursday, March 26, 2009
lately, im kinda a huge fan of Kings of Convenience.

gonna check this out?

recomended songs:
  1. I'd Rather Dance With You
  2. Misread
  3. Homesick
  4. Cayman Island
  5. Love Is No Big Truth
  6. The Weight of My Records
  7. Toxic Girl
  8. Live Long
and the most awesome lyrics goes to:

Cayman Island

Through the alleyways to cool off in the shadows
then into the street following the water
there's a bearded man paddling in his canoe
looks as if he has come all the way from the cayman islands

these canals, it seems, they all go in circles
places look the same, and we're the only difference
the wind is in your hair, it's covering my view
I'm holding on to you, on a bike we've hired until tomorrow

if only they could see, if only they had been here
they would understand, how someone could have chosen
to go the length I've gone, to spend just one day riding
holding on to you, I never thought it would be this clear

P.S: i couldnt be so random like this before, and you couldnt hide yourself from me anymore and anytime. i wish to know you more by this time.

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4 comments on "Kings of Convenience"
  1. ini band indie kan?
    sbenernya gw ga gt bisa mencerna suatu lirik bait lagu. haha
    miseel sedank tergila2!!

  2. gw malah baru tau ini band indie. tp mungkin... abis ada myspacenya hahaha sotoy deh gw

  3. Kings of Convenience
    Acoustic / Indie / Alternative

    ini ada dikasi tau.
    alternative gw jg bingunk kayak ap

    bknnya banyak band indie pake myspace ya?

  4. iya kebanyakan sih gitu.. makanya gw tadi ngambil kesimpulan kayak gitu. alternative apaan ya? tp gw ada lagu laen genre alternative yg gw suka juga sih ;P
