What a Hectic Day!

Thursday, May 14, 2009
Dress Code: floral for girls and semi- formal for boys.
Location: PIK - Hutan Mangrove
Theme: Back To Nature

here's some of my photo session result. and the dearest class, XII Social 2.
I was the one who held the number '2'. am I fatter? yeah I am! my cheek to be exact and I hateeeeeee it so much. I really wanna have cheekbones, I should have some diets on sweets, chocolates and stuff. and in this photo, btw, I wasn't looking to the camera. how come?!

and they're my teammates for this photo session; Prisca Jolanda, Brigita Permatasari, Putu Ditta Agastya and me with the chipmunk faced.

we're deadly craving for a food then we found fastfood restaurants near PIK and it's a KFC!

I will not post any photos again about my yearbook's activity. however you can see it on my facebook and twitter's profile picture. I changed my profile design anyways, cause the old one was dull. follow me please, dear you my lollipops.....

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5 comments on "What a Hectic Day!"
  1. seriously,yg chipmunk faced itu cc LUCU BANGETT :p tp d ft we love XII S 2,cc jd lebih gemuk dr biasany :( but overall,pretty and sweet as always kok ci :)

  2. aaaaaah makasih kalo lucuuuuu tp aku ga suka pipi itu. hahahaha... iya emang gemukan kok skarang... bener2 keliatan gemuk deh skarang. thankyou nitaaaa. ayo buruan slesein smua ulum biar kita jln2!

  3. itu pipi lo cara ngurusinnya gmn syel? badan lo uda kurus gt.
    yang moto lbh cape! hahaha

  4. bajunya lucu, hehe
    hahha, dulu gw juga pas poto2 klamaan ngurusin tmptnya, tmn gw padamakan di kfc, haha

  5. @Jojo: iya sih.. mst jepret2. bawa kamera. terus blm lagi ikutin kemauan yg difoto hahahhaha
    @Gilda: thankkkkks.. kfc emang paling mantep!
