New Month, New Header

Friday, May 01, 2009
folks, this is my first post on May. I don't even notice that today is the start of the month. I just noticed when there's someone I dunno who's she, tweeted my twitterrific a text to welcome May.
time really goes too fast. I don't wanna run in hurry, I still want to go to school, meet my classmates, and some teachers. well, time passed, it also means I'm getting older day by day.
anyways, I just changed my header into a picture that was made by myself, what do you guys think? yay or nay? I also published it to my polyvore sets cause I created it with polyvore tools. I hope it's not really bad for you. I just replaced that picture instead of text cause my blog seems too boring these days.
but, y'all know, how boring this blog would be without a lot of news from me (LOL) so at least I have to publish about 30 posts per month.

here's so many random pictures I wanna share with you when I was browsing on Justjared,

the highschool musical's star, Vannesa Hudgens.
she's skinnier and prettier than her appearance in HSM 1 & 2.
and also, she got the style.

this is the dress I would like to choose if I had a prom. firstly I saw this dress worn by Drew Barrymore at the World Premiere of “He’s Just Not That Into You”.

Lanvin Strapless Gazar
it's made from silks :)

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5 comments on "New Month, New Header"
  1. hah? gambarnya lo buat sendiri?
    bkn gambar sendiri kan? haha
    well, when will we have a prom?

  2. waaaaaa..kalung nya juga keren bangeeeed.

  3. wow, kok bisa chel? bikinin gw banner dongg, hahah :p
    lu adafarewellan ke bali dan semacamnya ga si?

  4. wah, gw ska sma high waist skirtnya :D kerenn..hehe..

  5. @Jojo: gambarnya sih enggak. hahaha..
    @Jessica: gw suka semuanya. :)
    @Gilda: bolehhhh, mau yang kayak gimana gil? ahaha ga ada, gw cuma ke Jogja ber 8 terus sisanya ada yang ke Bali dan Bandung.
    @Susan: iya gw juga sukaaaaa. tasnya apalagi :P
