Her Fictional Books

Friday, May 15, 2009

my sister is kinda addicted to fictional novels such as Twilight. yeah, she's a twilight freak! she even has the DVD, music album, Indonesian version books, and then.... she bought the English versions too that has no difference at all. she got them from Amazon. she also purchased the Blue Bloods saga, I recommended those books to her about a month ago. but I haven't read them since I don't have any free time for reading except a magazine. I still have a bunch of DVDs that I should watch after a long time I'm neglecting them. I'm having my whole day free from everything, which is today. I don't have to go to anywhere. cause tomorrow I have to go to my TOEFL class till 12 PM. another story, I will write it soon to this blog, I have an announcement for you guys. and I'm sure that I'll miss this internet activity.

and this is her Blue Bloods saga, specially signed by the author, Melissa De La Cruz.
what a surprise!

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13 comments on "Her Fictional Books"
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  4. 3 spam messages. it sucks!!!

  5. nci lo doyan banget bca novel!
    gw dolo jg baca harpot. tp goblet kayaknya gw ga baca. deathly hallow jg blm. dan gw cmn baca itu novel.
    lo baca ap aj syel?

  6. harrypotter gw yang keenem aja belom dibalikin sama Brigit dari taon lalu. padahal belom gw baca setengahnya. males bacanya tebel bener dan membosankan..... gw lebih suka baca teenlit gitu jo.. tp ada beberapa buku yg masih di ncim juga. hahahahah... cc gw tuh ga demen banget baca novel2. dia cuma ngoleksi. wong breaking dawn aja belom dia baca sampe abis.

  7. harpot kadank2 jg kyk uda baca banyak2 tp yang dapet sdikit.
    oo iya teenlit gw perna baca dealova! hahaha

    nanti kita ketemunya gmn lagi ya? haha. susah d

    nci lo kaya! sama kayak lo. hahaha

  8. @Jojo: dealova bagusssss tuh.. terus banyak deh kalo teenlit yang bagus, gw baca sampe bisa 2 kali gitu soalnya kan tipis. kalo kayak twilight dll sih ogah deh gw baca lagi :D
    @Joe: its all bout vampire. well, I havent read it but my friend told me it's a modern vampire love life too just like Twilight but this one is cooler. :) anyways, where do you live?

  9. iya bagus sih. tp gw ga maw terlalu terikat am crita fiksi gini. ntar berharap yang kek teenlit kan berabe jg

  10. blue bloods ttg apa chel?
    kalo menarik gw pengen beli nih, uda lama ga baca nopel, jhihi

  11. @Jojo: ya jangan lahhhh.. buat baca2 aja gitu.. iseng.....
    @Gilda: katanya kayak twilight cm lebih keren dan modern....

  12. oh ya? hmm, kalo lu uda baca kasih tau ya sinopsisnya, kalo gw tertari, mau beli .. hehe
