Red Alert

Tuesday, January 13, 2009
new wishlist!!
i hope it's a christmas time or my b'day so i can ask my mom, dad or sist to give me this gadget as my present. ;p but, how?

anyway, does anyone know some of new/interesting games for NDS? i havent touch mine for about 6months, the only reason is B-O-R-I-N-G.

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4 comments on "Red Alert"
  1. gong xi gong xi pake duit angpao.

  2. HADEH!! sayang duit gw.. hauhahhaha ga rela gw kl beli pake duit sendiri.. ;(

  3. kalo patungan gmn am nci lo? setengah2 gt. trus minta bonyok tombokin jg. gmn?
    nci lo jg pasti pinjem donk :D

  4. iya udah gw tanya, dia kaga mau. ahhahahaa.. nasib deh gw, mikir2 lg nih gmn cr dptin duitnya. duit angpao mah ga akan cukup.
