Photo Shoot and Facebook Activity

Saturday, May 09, 2009
I still can't decide what I will wear for my yearbook's photo shoot. well, our class theme is floral. it could be floral dress, skirt, blouse or anything with a floral pattern on it. but I guess I'm going to wear my floral dress. actually, I have like about 4 floral pattern clothes. 2 dresses and 2 blouses. but, it got kinda boring, although I only wore the dresses like once or twice. based upon the plan, the photo shoot will be held on either Thursday or Wednesday. we're kinda unsure. the location of the photo shoot is at PIK- the park. yeah, I've never been there. it sounds so far from my house. but I hope we've chosen the right one. and yeah, I'm about to buy a new outfit for the photo shoot too. then again I havent knew what I'm going to buy.

in the recent times, I was pretty excited to do some quizzes on facebook. yeah that quirky quiz! then you know what? today, just now, Mariska told me that the result of the quizzes appear in her news feed everyday, e-v-e-r-y-d-a-y. and it was horrible. sometimes I say, "hell like I care bout your results and the comments on it." to another's people quiz. but now, the things happened to me. some people maybe tired of seeing my quiz results. I apologized. but please, I'm not a freak. LMAO. why I said this? I had plenty reasons but I won't tell it at here. it's so embarrassing for me.

anyways, tomorrow I'll online on MSN and Skype, chat with me everybodyyyyyyy...

alright, see you!
7 comments on "Photo Shoot and Facebook Activity"
  1. ah, photo session, dulu gw ikutan ngurusin yearbook, kangen :(

    eh, lu tema 1 angkatannya apa?
    kira2 kapan jadi?

  2. tema seangkatannya sih Back to Nature... jadinya entahlah kapan. kelas gw aja belom poto.. kelas IPA jg belom. hahahaha.. udah gitu smoga sih dananya mencukupiiiiiii dan hasilnya memuaskan :)

  3. pusink amat. haha
    just pick ur best dress
    buat cewe ya bunga2?
    gw ga d bilangin tuh. haha

  4. kan pengennya bagus gitu.. buku taonan kan ga bakalan ada lagi.. sekali seumur hidup lah gitu joo hahahaha... iya. cowo juga kok...

  5. hmm, okay, pikirkan masak2 ya :)
    ntar pasti pada lumer tuh tek2 sgala. hahahaha

  6. agak telat juga ya chel baru bikin skrg, heeheh
    bayar brp seorang?

  7. bayarnya udah nyicil gitu dari uang kegiatan gillllllllll... bayarnya kemaren cm diminta lg 20rb sama paling ya bayar ongkos gt pergi ke tempatnya sama duit parkir mgkn...
