
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
i think this one is COOL!, isnt it?

Ceci est un IT BAG
Prices range from SGD635 (like the small one shown above) to SGD949 (the large with the zippered top)

expensive, huh?
yet another Longchamp that I adore,

Longchamp Le Pliage® Handbag
Prices start from SGD164 for the smallest one

sources: Longchamp
4 comments on "Longchamp"
  1. tu si handbg yang longchamp banyak deh yang make disini, kayaknya sih palsu, hehe

  2. lah ternyata disana ada barang bajakannya juga ya? huahahha. gw kira pd pake yg asli loh.

  3. temen nci gw ad yang jualan tas palsu bermerk, tp mirip asli. hahaha dan dia blg laku.

  4. ada yang kayak ini ga jo? tepatnya kayak di gambar yang kedua, yg harganya lebih murahan. kalo ada brapa duit?
