A Gratitude Journal

Saturday, July 02, 2016
“If you are lucky enough to find a way of life you love,
you have to find the courage to live it.”

Being a grownup has taught me to manage my time wisely and share only a tiny bit of my life to the society. Perhaps that principle of mine is the main reason you didn't see this blog as active as it used to be? Told ya to expect this kind of random stuff from me, so here I am unusually typing a blogpost about how my life has been these past months. Hope you excuse my awkward blabber since I've never done this before :/

Life lately has been a hectic amalgam of work, study, passion, family, and friends in which I can hardly believe I'm spending the wee hours writing this journal instead of having a better sleep. Nevertheless, there is something exhilarating about this deep late-night conversation (Yes. I'm requesting some feedback). So, let's cut to the chase, shall we?

I call it nonsense for someone who is in their twenties for not experiencing the quarter-life crisis. To be perfectly frank, two months ago I was so clueless with my life, I quitted a job I despised, I didn't pass a job interview that I was always curious what it'd feel like to work there, I traveled places yet I didn't know what I was going to face once I got back to my hometown. However in the end, I had no regrets because I tried my best, I took the chance to break out of my comfort zone. In this case, it's my ex-workplace, I called it a comfort zone because there was no room for adventure and excitement. I felt neither challenged nor appreciated. What's more, I took the chance to at least get interviewed until the final round and realize that the job wasn't for me in the first place, and as a reward, I received something more valuable; a thrilling experience I would always be grateful for.

Right now, I'm pursuing my career and dream at the same time. IKR?! I don't know how I got so lucky! My entire weekdays would be full of work, I often come back late at night because of several different reasons, could be attending events, working out at the gym, or merely catching up with my friends. I say it's seriously difficult to keep your social life balance, meanwhile I'm the kind of person who wants to have my own quality time at least once a week.

On Saturday, I'm taking a TOEFL course at this tuition center for the sake of my academic goal, and right after finishing the course, I'd be meeting up with my friends or working out at the gym. Dang. Why do I sound like a gym-holic now?

Finally moving on to Sunday... Yeah, I'd rather spend the whole day for myself or my family. Because, duh? I don't want to drive all day everyday. HA. Jakarta's traffic has gotten worse, you know... And I want to have this day as my own day for pampering myself, being productive making a new blogpost OR not productive at all!

Being surrounded by positive energy of the dreamers and the doers has changed my perspective towards life. I especially love those who have creative minds with amazing commitments to their dreams.

More importantly, I'm beyond blessed to have such supportive family and friends. Once someone told me to go chase my dream, I bluntly declined the idea because I was skeptical my kind of dream job could pay me enough bucks. Now that I finally got the job, I can admit how foolish I was that time for being ignorant, rejecting without even trying.

I know some people who are still figuring out what they truly aspire in their life. It might take a while for you to acknowledge your enthusiasm, so here's a relevant life hack that might be helpful. Sometimes, it's in the darkest period of life you'll see the spark, one-of-a-kind spark that I describe as unusually bright and somehow keeps me in the right direction to always look forward. When you see the spark, you'll say something like "I got this" with a bunch of motivation. That's when I was very convinced with my goal in life.

Hence you've got to be brave enough to ask yourself: "Risk or regret?" The future is bound to be uncertain, but how do you know your full potential if you aren't stubborn about your own goal?

And if one day I start feeling stressed, I'll spend a few minutes looking through this post as a proof to remind myself what really matters.
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53 comments on "A Gratitude Journal"
  1. Good for you for pursuing my career and dream at the same time now! It sounds like you're very happy and fulfilled with everything that's going on in your life :)

    1. Aww.. Thank you, dear! Yup, I've been enjoying my life lately :)

  2. This was a gorgeous post to read. I really enjoyed it. I'm glad your pursuing both your career and your dream at the moment. If things get tough again, just know you are strong and will get through anything. Doing what you love is so important. I just discovered your blog and I am in love, by the way! I just followed you too :D

    Lots of Love from Mollie xxxx - www.theperksofmolliequirk.blogspot.com

    1. Thanks a lot for reading this post! Really appreciate it :) I am following you back. Your scrapbook got me lovestruck, not to mention your kitten <3

  3. Ha, Mitch! We're soo on the same page of life! Gue juga lagi di posisi clueless, pas sebelom ngeklik post ini gue kaya lagi membulatkan tekad buat maju dan nyoba dibanding diem dan gak kemana-mana. Tapi abis baca ini makin yakin dan manteb sih.

    But in my case, gue kaya takut buat ngelangkah gitu loh. Kaya, apa gue bisa? Apa gue berani? Tapi ngeliat orang lain yang mencapai banyak banget gue juga jadi kepecut, pengen juga achieve more or at least being proud of my self.

    Glad you found yours! And I'm truly curious about the subject ;p

    1. Ayo coba Van, kalo belom ngerasain, ga bakal tau kan lo bisa atau nggak hihi.. Kita masih muda jadi kesempatan juga terbuka lebih lebar, ya gak sih?
      Karena makin kesini gue sadar, 'waktu' nggak bisa bohong, circumstances seperti lo udah menikah (hence prioritas lo akan beda, dsb) atau cukup berumur tp pengalaman belom banyak juga mempengaruhi. Jadi kalo saat ini emang memungkinkan buat lo melangkah, lakukan itu, karena you'll never know about the future :)


    2. Bener banget, waktu. Gue kaya takut banget suatu saat di umur gue udah 30 tahun gue menyesal ga pernah nyoba dan cuma nerima yg ada tanpa berusaha mencari yg lebih. Terus gue sadar ternyata kemampuan gue bisa dinilai lebih sama orang lain, kenapa ga gue manfaatkan sebaik-baiknya kan. Semoga kita sama2 mencapai mimpi kita ya, Mitch. And when you're acing it, please tell your story! Gue kepo maksimal dan suka banget sama cerita orang yg berani buat ngejar mimpinya :D

    3. Amin!! Tuh, orang lain aja bisa menilai kalo lo emang capable of it, now it's your turn to trust yourself. Dimana ada usaha, disana pasti ada hasil, whether it's a success or failure. Even if it doesn't turn out seperti yg lo harapkan, it will teach you a lesson anyway, so don't stress over what could've been. (Yah walaupun gue sendiri agak sulit untuk controlling overthinking habit gue, sering banget mikir kejauhan hahaha I feel like I should take life less seriously)

      Aaaa VANIII.. Pokoknya semangat, semangat, semangat! >,<

    4. Yaaasss, we need to just chill. Tapi susaahh hahahha. Mau chill aja mesti belajar nih kita. Anyway, since you mention distributor kosmetik, i think we're chasing the same thing deh. Hahaha. Mine's not yet settle but I guessing we really is on the very same page of a story!

  4. beautiful words <33
    best of luck on you job and life dear :))

    cheer, michelle ~ http://livedreammagic.blogspot.co.id/

  5. You go girl!! Good for you for quitting that job and chasing your dream. I LOVE that quote too.


    1. Yes definitely lovin' the quote! Thanks for reading :)

  6. Haha, that quote is so true!!

    Alix | www.apintsizedlife.com

  7. I was stuck in this same position as you a couple months ago. I didn't feel challenged at work and I didn't enjoy the city I was living in. I decided to transfer schools, quit my job and move back home where I knew I would be happier. It is always easier said then done but getting out of that comfort zone is definitely important! Especially if you know you're not happy. So good for you!

    1. Good for you too, dear! So glad that you finally figure out the way to make yourself happier :)

  8. There's only one way to reach goal, to stop dreaming but start doing. Success on every plans you have!

    Love from Myxilog

    1. Totally agree with that. Thank you so much!

  9. I feel you on the whole job situation. I love this, "risk or regret", really puts life into perspective!
    Pam xo/ Pam Scalfi♥

    1. Thanks for reading, dear. Hopefully you're doing really well :)

  10. I love that quote, such a lovely post

  11. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us on your life lately

  12. You are a brave, forward-thinking dreamer! It's awesome that you are going for your dream job. life really is too short to do something you don't like to do. It took me many years of working in the wrong job to find the right functions and industries. Good luck on the journey and thanks for stopping by Mitch! I hope to see more on your journey!

    little luxury list formerly Chic 'n Cheap Living

  13. Well sweetie thank you for this inspiring post! Thanks for this because It was just like I needed in this moment.

  14. Hi Mitch,

    Such a wonderful post. I guess we all go through life experiencing these sort of moments where we stumbled upon things or had no idea what we are doing at that point in time, but I guess everything happens for a reason.

    I am still not quite sure the career and dream that you mention you are pursuing here now means full time blogging? If it is, then good for you, if not, still equally awesome I feel, as nothing in life, I feel, is more crucial then just being utterly happy doing what you love to do most, every single day as it gives you that never ending zest that you can't seem to figure out where you get it in the first place, but that's the kind of happy force that will keep you going, whenever you feel down or de-motivated.

    Anything that we do out of love will almost, always be a good idea. I am happy for you that you have found that in your life now. Keep going, dearie.

    Thanks for dropping by LUMINNEJ and say hi. I wish you all the best and hope to see you again, some time soon *_^

    Have a lovely weekend in Jakarta and enjoy the Hari Raya Aidilfitri celebration and holidays that come along with it!

    With love,
    Jeann | LUMINNEJ

    1. Hi Jean, thanks so much for visiting back :) I hope that one day I could be settling down as a full time blogger. Yes that's true, I feel like this is the kind of happy force that keeps me going no matter how tiring it is.

      Wish you a joyful Hari Raya holiday, too!

  15. Cheers to pursuing your dreams and taking risks - both are such admirable qualities!


  16. I am happy to see your process, meanwhile here I thought that I am stuck at the same point. I guess this will be a tough struggle with no end because I don't know what do I want precisely in my life :") I thought that after I enrolled to the campus that I admired the most, my future will be easier to be guessed (even for a bit), but it turned out the different way. I became more clueless finding the answer, like, "hidup segan, mati tak mau" :( I wish I can get a small spark that can enlighten me.

    1. Hi Ristra, thanks for visiting back :) While you're still in uni, enjoy the moment and just live life to the fullest, I guess? Searching for a job (or an answer for "What do you want to do in the future") will be challenging, but you'll figure it out for sure, maybe it'll take a little more time. Semangat ya!

  17. I'm still at that point in life where I'm trying to figure out what I really want to do. great way to start out this post with a meaningful quote :)

  18. I am touched, inspired and definitely inlove with this entry. You shouldnt be sorry for posting stuff like this. We are all inspired by you and i needed to hear some words of wisdom. Adulting is really hard. Keep the faith and be strong. <3 I just followed your blog, im ur newest follower. Hope you can follow me back so we can keep in touch! Would love to hear from you.

    -Eva M.

    1. Thanks for your kind words, it motivates me really ^^

  19. Great post! It's so important to do what you love.


  20. I like how you put such effort to your goal. Actually, I am at a comfort zone right now and I am preparing to escape from this, just can't handle this any longer and I think this post gives me some courage to do something better for my career. Thanks for sharing this Mitch :)



    1. It's really nice to know how this post can bring you courage :) Thanks for reading, and good luck on your career!

  21. Follower # 668 (Dp: Red Heart Mug)
    Following your blog. Hope you will follow back.
    Will feel happy to see you on my blog.xx

  22. Very inspiring post, I do love a different sort of post like this one. Keep following your dreams <3
    FloralsAndCoralsx//Our Blog

  23. You sound like you've been really busy! Good for you leaving a job you hated. I'm not sure I'd ever have the guts to do it. I'm fortunate enough to have gotten onto the exact path I wanted so fingers crossed it's all I think it's going to be!

    Rachael at broomfie.blogspot.com

  24. I can feel ya. being a grown-up sucks. it seems like nothing works like it should. and it's so hard to focus on everything at the same time.
    good luck! we all need it.

    xo. tthuy | RubyliXious

  25. This is so inspirational. I know exactly what you mean by the quarter-life crisis - I'm going through one too. My job is enjoyable, but it's not for me - it's not the kind of role that I want to pursue for the rest of my life, and I'm not quite sure what the next step is. How can I leave a job when I am so clueless of what to do next? Hopefully I will figure it out soon..

    Lots of love,

    1. Though it will take some time, rest assured the best is yet to come :) Good luck to you, Ana :)

  26. Thankyou for shared, it really helps me to know what I want to do in my life. Thankyou :)

    Putri | shecalledfashion.blogspot.com

  27. It's okay to not really know where your headed in your 20s; many people don't find their stride until they hit 30 (speaking from personal experience lol)! You just have to make sure your spending quality time knowing who you are and discovering what you like doing in life and if you can make a living doing it! Love this post!

    xo, alice / T Y P E N U

  28. Love that quote! It is so true :)
    Great post <3


    Novelstyle Blog

  29. i'm glad to hear you're going after what you want now! i'm sort of in the same situation, it's taken me a while to figure out what i want but i'm starting to take some steps in the right direction. so exciting!

    danielle | avec danielle

  30. Well it's awesome that you had the courage and desire to go through all that. I'm at my late 20s now and I'm realizing even more how the 20s are the best time of my life so far!

    * Instagram * Facebook *

  31. Sounds like you have so much to be grateful for - I feel like showing gratitude is the best way to stay happy.

    xx Yasmin

  32. Such a lovely post! It's adorable. I'm glad you find a good place and everything worked out for the best for you :)
    I'm at period of my life where I have no idea what I want to do and it's sooo scary! x


  33. i constantly feel like i'm having a quarter life crisis haha, i think doing a gratitude journal type thing would be really helpful for me as well. good luck with everything!

    danielle | avec danielle

  34. Its so important to push yourself. When I'm scared to do something I say to myself what I have to lose. There is only to win, even if I'm not successful I have the experience, which I wouldn't have if I didn't take the risk x


  35. This was such a lovely blogpost! I agree with everything you said. I've certainly been experiencing a quarter life crisis. Life is not often what you expected it to be. If I've learnt anything this year, it's that i's important to go after what you want. x

